eDemocracy or eCircus?

True democracy can only exist if you leave a vast majority of the decision making to the people.

Today, this is not an option because of the logistics involved in asking the people for their opinion. Instead, we elect someone to represent the majority’s selection based on promises that are not always fulfilled.We elect them because we agree with most of what they say.

My dream is, that when we as people, have the technology to securely identify ourselves digitally, we are no longer bound to the whims and promises of politicians. We as a people, are then no longer technically impaired from expressing our opinion on all the matters where we do have an opinion.

In a dream I had, the politicians were promotors for change, advocates for their points of view and henchmen of the people, carrying out the people’s will, but all decisions were ultimately voted for by anyone and everyone who cared enough to cast a vote on the subject. Because doing so was effortless, and represented the will of the country’s people on every single matter.

But would this lead to circus?  Are we, as people, enlightened enough to be trusted with such power?

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