Primitive obsession

Primitive obsession is a developer’s reluctance to write small objects instead of using primitive data types. One such example could look like this:

// when I blog, I have no fantasy for function names
public long ShoesInStockByShoenumber( int shoeNumber )
var matches = from shoe in _datacontext.Shoes
where shoe.size == shoeNumber
return shoe;


The parameter named “shoeNumber” is an integer, and, defies oop in that the function should really be named ShoesInStockByShoenumberAsInteger( … ) (yup, eww!)

What you really want is to objectify shoenumber:
public class ShoeNumber
// This is all we need for now
public int Size{ get; set; }

… you can quickly expand the functionality of the ShoeNumber class if and when you need to. One typical first could be to throw an exception whenver a value is given that could not possibly represent a valid shoenumber.

Why should I bother with packaging small parameters like this into objects?

Because it is semantically correct, because it is oop in practice and because it makes refactoring your code that much better. But, to me, most importantly:

Packaging your parameters into objects means you can save your functions from having to check them. Objects should be smart enough to validate themselves.

Dont be like me; avoid the obsessing with primitives, no variable is too small to be turned into an object. Overcome this, and a world of options will open up for your code.

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